telecommunication channel

英 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn ˈtʃænl] 美 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn ˈtʃænl]

网络  电信通道



  1. The elements of a telecommunication system are a transmitter, a medium ( line) and possibly a channel imposed upon the medium ( see baseband and broadband as well as multiplexing), and a receiver.
  2. With the rapid development of China Telecommunication industry, thorough reform, and more and more fierce market competition, the competitions among carriers have turned form the aspects of technology and price to the aspects of service and marketing channel.
  3. Telecommunication channel scheme of protection based on optical fiber
  4. The last, this paper also points out how to analyse the channel's breach and have an efficient estimation, under the new net operation's trend, the direction of Chongqing telecommunication's marketing channel's optimize and conformity.
  5. Along with the development in computer network, telecommunication and automation, a higher requirement is brought forward on functions and capabilities of the telecontrol communication system, we need to establish a packet system which uses sharing channel technology.
  6. Ethernet was used to simulate the telecommunication channel, which linked two Stewart platforms control systems.
  7. In accordance with the trend of mobile telecommunication in IP, especially the feature of random access for mobile Internet in future, this paper raised the double send random access mode, and introduced the relation of access success radio and channel load in this mode.
  8. In this paper, we present the design of a general data telecommunication channel for electric power system using TCP/ IP protocol as an example.
  9. The Multi& microcomputers Telecommunication Telemetering and Telecontrol Scheduling System in wireless Channel
  10. Based on the application and development of mobile telecommunication technologies, this paper deals with the principles of position, the relationship of mobile channel characteristics and location error, as well as basical location algorithms
  11. The Design of A General Data Telecommunication Channel for Electric Power System
  12. Computer-Aided Design of Micro-Computer Telecommunication Channel in Private Line
  13. For a practical project, ideas of scheming the relay protection for double-circuit lines on the same tower and choosing the telecommunication channel are analysed.
  14. The hybrid channel system is the major change in Telecommunication Industry, and is a promising channel mode.
  15. As the carrier of comprehensive telecommunication business, Shaanxi Unicom takes the building of systematic, high efficiency and competitive marketing channel as the necessity of enterprise development.
  16. For the telecommunication industry, the competition in marketing channel will become a focus in telecom market and marketing channel is the competition resource which carriers should grasp firmly.
  17. Transmission of telecommunication network foundation, is the telecommunications equipment, but also the channel interconnections between user voice business and data services bearing channel.
  18. China Unicom is a major player on China telecommunication market. The business system of China Unicom is not only a practical communication channel between customers and China Unicom, but an entity to sell products and provide differential services to customers.
  19. Thirdly, form the implement of the differentiated marketing point of view, this article expounded the measures Beihai Telecommunication company takes, the problems exists and its solutions, which was stated from four aspects, products, price, servic and channel.